Yes! I made it to my weight-loss goal! 10% of my body weight gone in 10 weeks. Whew! Now I just need to try to maintain this weight loss for another month and a half. I'm hoping by that point, I will be used to knowing what to eat and what not to eat to be able to maintain. That's the idea, anyway.
The one problem with this plan is that I have to move offices, once again. And this time, the new office building doesn't have a workout facility at all! I'm really perplexed about what I'm going to do to continue exercising once I move. It works best for me to work out at lunchtime these days. Before work is no good because I'm just not a morning person in the slightest. After work is no good because I have to cook, clean up, and do laundry. And after that is no good because, seriously, who has the energy to do anything after that?!
I suppose I could break down and actually pay for a gym membership so that I could go to a gym and work out at lunchtime, but I don't really want to do that. So, this is going to require some serious brainstorming on my part. I'll let you know what I come up with.
In the meantime, though, I'm trying to enjoy being sort of skinny again. I went out with some friends on Friday afternoon and bought myself some new pants and I've worn a new pair to work for the last two days. Merry Christmas to me! :)
I'm going to have to really watch myself, though. Last night, to celebrate, we went to Chuy's and I had a margarita and about two basket-fulls of chips. And tonight is "date night" with the husband, so I'm sure there will be wine-drinking involved. And THEN the Christmas holidays will be upon us and much eating and drinking will be included in those activities! Weigh-ins start again on January 9th and if anyone gains back more than 1%, they're out of the contest. Sounds like it's going to be a week of gluttony followed by a week of starvation for me!
Lately: March Onward
3 days ago