Our elementary school participates in a program called "Writers in the Schools" during the 2nd grade year and now that school is finally over, Marxo brought home all the work that she did during the program.
As I read through her writing, I got more and more impressed and, being a proud parent, I just can't let these masterpieces languish in a folder at home. :)
Here are a few of the best (not corrected for spelling). The first two were written during a field trip to The Menil Collection - I think they must have been prompted by something there...
I'm hiding I'm hiding
and no one know where
behind a red flare
flash of lightning
clouds that are clearing
I'm not in the constalation
I'm not in the building
or vases of difference carved wood stamps
or a marble pieces of glass or a kite
I'm not in a match box
I'm hiding I'm hiding
and no one knows where
can you guess where I was?
I'm an old man. My name is Fred. I'm holding a walker. It broke away as I got older. Now I'm only holding the handles. It's hard for me to stand up. As I'm hunched over my back starts to crack. Soon my body will fall off. If it does I will have no way of telling my parents, brothers, and sisters that I am broken. I will be dead as soon as I brake. The end of my life is near.
I dreamed
I was the sun
In the sky
Dancing with the wind
Ode to the Animals
Thank you peacock for your beauty and royalty.
Thank you flamingo for your balance.
Thank you ox for your strength.
Snake, your length is my love.
Giraffe, thank you for making me tall.
Mighty elephant I never forget where I came from.
Thank you pig for your bacon.
Cat, your love is my love.
Thank you dolphin for your intelligence.
Love is
Love is my family coming to visit me.
Love is spending time with my teacher.
Love is spending time with my family.
Love is my big teddy bear that I caught at Mardi Gras. His name is Theodore. I call him Teddy or Theo sometimes.
Love is kindness and care.
Love is aebelskiver that we eat at Christmas time.
Love is Mardi Gras that we only go to once a year. We catch doubloons, beads, and stuffed animals.
Love is the earth.
Love is everything.
Love is a birthday.
Love is my Jean K's gumbo.
Love is a sunny day.
Love is a hug and a kiss good night.
Love is a drawing that someone gave me.
Love is having a play date with my best friend.
Love is my cats.
Jumping on the couch
I have jumped
on the couch
that was in
the living room
I know
I was not
to do it
Forgive me
it was fun
so awesome
and so cool
I felt
like a bird
in the sky
Funny Flamingo
Funny flamingo looks like a yoga bird.
Funny flamingo makes me feel flexible.
Funny flamingo sounds like a graceful goose.
Funny flamingo makes me feel like I have to sing.
Funny flamingo tastes like a burnt chicken.
Funny flamingo makes me feel like I lost my apetite.
Funny flamingo smells like sweet bubble gum.
Funny flamingo makes me feel hungry
Funny flamingo feels like a soft feather.
Funny flamingo makes me feel warm.
Map of my heart
The map of my heart tells a goal. My goal is to love every pet, thing, activity and family member.
There are spcial places for everything I've ever loved and owned. I love my family and pets and everything I've ever owned like my American Girl Dolls and my ipod touch.
I love games, designing art, coloring, drawing, singing, music, school and everything else that I love. I enjoy doing those activities.
Magically my heart has room for everything I love.
Lately: March Onward
3 days ago