Now that I actually created my blog, nothing of significant interest is happening to me. How disappointing. I could think of several amusing anecdotes to post before starting this and now... nothing.
Well, I guess I'll just update you on baby girl's newest trick (10 months old). She started walking almost 2 weeks ago now and is really catching on quickly. She started standing up from the floor (without pulling herself up) over the weekend and is now off and running. She has kind of a funny little "drunk Frankenstein" walk at the moment - arms out in front of her, stumbling along. It's very cute.
Of course, watching her progress keeps us from the most important person in the house (in his eyes anyway!), the baby boy (2+ years old) and he's become a little maniac during the last two weeks. We are obviously not paying enough attention to him and he's letting us know. I guess the "terrible two's" had to happen sometime!!
Now I'm off to figure out if I can get that "Blogs I Read" kind of link that
Courtney has...