Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can't Wait!

I can't wait for Saturday to finally get here!  That's the day that the Spaceman people are scheduled to come and install our fancy closet.

We had a handy-man come in on Monday and rip out the old stuff, fix the walls, and re-paint so that it would be ready to go.  My clothes have, therefore, since Sunday, been residing in the bathtub.

I did think about the fact that I should probably pick out clothes for the coming week before making everything inaccessible.  But I didn't do as good of a job as I thought.  I completely forgot that our school fundraiser is tomorrow night.  It's not a fancy affair, but I'm still not sure what I'm going to wear.  Actually, even if we did have a closet in which to hang our clothes, I'm not sure I'd know what I was going to wear, so it probably doesn't matter.  Looks like I'll be going shopping sometime tomorrow...

Or, I might just blow off trying to find something to wear and attend a meeting tomorrow morning about the proposal to cut all funding for bike lanes for the coming three years in Houston.  Seriously?!  I can't wait until 2015 for the bike path to get finished.  It's gone beyond ridiculous at this point.

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